When it comes to tutoring, many parents are able to find someone “good enough” to help their child get through homework without a fuss and call it a win. I would argue that there is so much more that goes into finding a tutor who is going to make a significant impact on your child’s confidence, success, and academic achievement.  The Lazar Center tutoring has an awarding-winning process. Our team of professional educators exemplifies what it means to support students from multiple angles, going above and beyond compared to hiring independent tutors or tutoring franchises.

At the Lazar Center, we help your student gain a deep and comprehensive understanding of the content they struggle with the most.  We have a wide variety of subject matter experts on staff and work with families individually to determine the best tutor for each student during a free consultation. Whether your student struggles with early reading skills, AP Calculus, or anything in between, we have you covered!

The Lazar Center Tutoring Process


Experienced & Caring Tutors

The professional educators of The Lazar Center love working in the center’s small, inclusive, and positive environment. They appreciate the center’s atmosphere, which is, in many ways, a direct contrast to the classroom environment where they face increasing class sizes full of students learning at different paces with varying learning styles. The Lazar Center’s 1:2 teacher-to-student ratio offers students a considerable advantage for exponential academic growth.

Customized Instruction

Lazar Center tutoring meets students where they are. They work to ensure that students do not fall behind or get buried in an academic hole. During every tutoring session, we teach content parallel to classwork using a tailored, individualized approach and pace. Our students feel incredibly supported, guided, and successful with every tutoring session. This success translates directly into the classroom.

Executive Functioning Skills

The Lazar Center supports students by helping them develop a set of extraordinary study and executive functioning skills. Even the most incredible students are often missing these skills which are necessary for academic success, including the ability to lay out an assignment completion schedule, break a project into manageable pieces, take meaningful notes, and implement effective studying. This is where Lazar tutors come in. With decades of combined experience,  we’re well versed in a variety of methods and always find the best fit for each student. 

Mentorship & Dedication

The Lazar Center’s commitment to mentorship also means that students work with the same tutor every session. With this, students and parents can rely on consistency and accountability. Our dedication to building relationships enables us to frequently and consistently analyze and assess student strengths and weaknesses to help them grow and develop while compensating for problematic areas. We are excited and proud to see how each student grows more confident with each mentorship.

Accountability & Communication

Our center directors and educators continuously monitor students’ academic progress using PowerSchool, Canvas, Google Classroom, The College Board, and more. This added layer of support and accountability allows our tutors to help students stay current across all subject areas, and avoid pitfalls and missing work. We immediately identify areas of concern while monitoring their academic progress and achievement. Our team also uses this knowledge to communicate with parents via session notes.  These daily summaries share when students master a new topic, indicate areas of concern, celebrate accomplishments, share what students should be working on in-between sessions, and so much more!

At the Lazar Center, tutoring students with our award-winning process make all the difference. Let us help your child with more than just homework! We offer so much more academic support, which is invaluable for families with children across all grade levels. We also offer tutoring and test prep packages for your convenience.

Learn More About Lazar Center Tutoring Can Support Your Student Today!